Learn more from our science consultants below:
The Conversation | Our bee eye camera helps us support bees, grow food and protect the environment
The Conversation | The mystery of the blue flower: nature’s rare colour owes its existence to bee vision
The Conversation | Plants use advertising like strategies to attract bees with colour and scent
The Conversation | Want a better camera? Just copy. bees and their extra light sensing eyes
The Conversation | Can bees do maths? Yes. New research shows they can add and subtract
The Conversation | ¿Pueden aprender matemáticas los insectos? Hemos enseñado a una colmena de abejas a sumar y restar (Spanish language article)
The Conversation | Penelitian terbaru menunjukkan lebah bisa matematika (Spanish language article)
The Conversation | Phantom of the forest: After 100 years in hiding I rediscovered the rare cloaked bee in Australia.

Participate in the study and observation of bees
Follow Bees At Home (Australia)
Check out the following organisations:
Australia has lots of wild pollinator insects that are often overlooked. The Wild Pollinator Count gives you an opportunity to contribute to wild pollinator insect conservation in Australia.
You can join in by watching any flowering plant for just ten minutes sometime in our count week.
You don’t need to be an insect expert.
You don’t need fancy gear.
You may be surprised by what you see!
Bumble Bee Watch is a collaborative effort to track and conserve North America’s bumble bees. This community science project allows for individuals to:
Upload photos of bumble bees to start a virtual bumble bee collection;
Identify the bumble bees in your photos and have your identifications verified by experts;
Help researchers determine the status and conservation needs of bumble bees;
Help locate rare or endangered populations of bumble bees;
Learn about bumble bees, their ecology, and ongoing conservation efforts; and
Connect with other community scientists.